What We Do

Physiotherapy is able to help relieve pain and promote healing. We have listed here some of the common complaints that we treat.

Back and Neck pain Arthritis
Muscle strains Joint stiffness
Ligament sprains Headaches
Sciatica Tennis elbow
Whiplash Post operative rehabilitation
Sports injuries Tendinitis
Joint pain Hand & Foot injuries
Work related injuries

On your first visit

A physiotherapist will first take a detailed history of your condition together with any relevant past medical history. Then a physical assessment will take place to try and establish the cause of your complaint. The physiotherapist will then discuss the findings of the
assessment with you and decide on the best treatment plan with the aim to get you back to your normal level of function and activity as soon as possible. The physio will also give you a customised exercise programme and advice to help prevent further recurrences of the problem.

Every opportunity will be given for you to ask questions about your condition and the advice regarding its management.




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